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Unlock your story.

Unlock your superpower.​


Hire a creative copywriter that’ll get your community running to the checkout quicker than you can say ‘Swipe Up’



Website copy made stupidly easy

No matter how far along you are in your business, whether you’ve worked with a copywriter before or have done the whole DIY thing, my promise to you is this...


After working with me, you’ll never look at your website copy the same way again.


Because not only do I write words that make you think

‘OMG, she’s actually inside my brain reading my thoughts’ (true story, check out the testimonial) but I’ll explain to you why it works and demystify the process so you can continue making empowered copy choices.



Write, let's get to work

To create word magic that delivers on your brand values, voice and £££ goals, I become an extension of your business. Here’s how…

1. Alignment check​

Before we even talk about your copy project, I carve out time to get to know you, your business and your community. It helps us both test the waters and see if we’re aligned in spirit and passion from the word go.

2. Briefing & clarity call

I fire off questions so that I can understand exactly what you need from me, when you need it and how it fits into your master plans. After this call, I’ll send you a bespoke proposal, quote and contract to make sure everything is covered from the start. Once a 50% deposit is made, we get to work.

3. Research, strategise, write

Every project is different, so step 3 can sometimes be a questionnaire, other times a full-on brain dumping session or customer interviews. You lay down your wants and needs, and I’ll translate that into messaging and a plan that’s takes copy from good to spit-your-coffee-out-take-my-money good.

4. Copy ta-da

My fave part – when you see your new copy for the first time. Words that have magically reorganised all those scrambled thoughts and read exactly how you always wanted.


Words By Elena Client Logos


Help me Elena, I need...


Want an expert (*cough cough* me) to throw ideas at?


A website copywriter who can offer support, guidance and whip your existing words into tip-top shape in less time than it takes to watch a 90s rom com? 


Added bonus: You don't need to leave your sofa (or comfy pjs) for us to get our totes serious business brains on.

You don't know where to start, but you do know you wanna throw your website in the bin and start again.


Or maybe you're looking at a blank page situation and the words are not magically coming out of your fingers as you'd romanticised with your life coach.


Conjuring Mrs Doubtfire: "Help is on the way dear!" 


Every meeting she came prepared and had the positive attitude of ‘how can we make the text even better than what we already have?'


Elena really wanted the best outcome for the websites and she didn’t just passively do her job – she challenged every, single point that we requested when she felt it could have a negative effect on the reader and that wasn’t getting across the message we wanted to.


Her text became our company voice and brought our websites to life!

Mara Dimitriou, Elixos Hotel Group


(Project: 2 x website launches)

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