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The Life Balance Institute:
Website storytelling that connects deeply to the big picture

The Client


The Life Balance Institute is a non-profit organisation, based in the US, providing life coaching services for people going through changes and transitions.

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The Brief


When I met the team, Life Balance Institute were about to tackle major changes as part of a wider rebrand (recalibrating multiple offers, brand names, and audiences). The goal was to create a cohesive, purpose-driven organisation out of existing threads that had never been put together before.


Not only that, but multiple stakeholders were also at play, which meant my job – as the copy chief of the website launch and rebrand – was to wear multiple marketing hats to deliver copy that speaks to both the audience and new strategy. To align the goals of all the decision-makers who have dedicated their life's work to growing this business.



The Copywriting Service


Bespoke website copywriting package, including:

  • Tone of voice development

  • Messaging clarity

  • User journey mapping

  • Keyword research

  • Audience outreach & persona research

  • Weekly copy consulting calls

  • Conversion copywriting for high-ticket offers

  • Creative collaboration with design and marketing experts

  • Ongoing copy support

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The Strategy



To understand every aspect of business, today, and tomorrow:

With multiple stakeholders at play with their own interpretation of the business, deep-dive research, curiosity, and collaboration was key


To develop a unified voice:
Develop a cohesive story, catering to differing target audiences, under the same umbrella and mission


To set the foundations and create a roadmap for growth:

Laying out the website to serve the current audience and services, but with an eye to the future plans of the business 






The Best Bits



The opening statement:



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Setting up expectations and user journey:

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Attracting 'perfect-fit' clients:





 Storytelling opportunities:

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Optimising SEO blog articles to aid discovery:

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The Brief


TOC founder, Ana, had a clear vision: to scale her business.

With PR campaigns and advertising plans in her back pocket, she knew it wasn’t worth investing in fuelling growth – and her current website was missing the mark.

It wasn’t serving her mission, explaining how her business model works effectively, or telling her origin story to her audience of like-minded parents.

The URLs weren’t geared to connect and convert, and she needed to lay better foundations before launching into this high-growth phase.

Cue a complete website rebrand, with your girl on the words.


The Copywriting Service


Complete website copywriting, including:

  • Tone of voice overhaul

  • Keyword research

  • Messaging clarity

  • User journey mapping

  • In-person feedback session


The Strategy


To ladder back to the overarching brand vision:
Second-hand shopping isn’t second best (or you know, sticky parcels circa Facebook marketplace).


To create clear, bite-sized sections to segment buyers and sellers:
The platform serves both parents shopping for second-hand products and the sellers who list them, they need guiding to the right pages and content.


To connect deeply with the community of parents:
Telling the origin story of how the business was born, to showcase the second-hand revolution on a more emotive level. 



The Best Bits


Evocative storytelling, setting up the origin story & mission: 



Clear instructions for “How it Works”:



Curated product edits to aid discovery:



Exploring the hidden stories and messages, behind the business ethos:



The Testimonial



“Evocative and impressive – you helped bring our brand to life!


You conveyed a felt sense of our teachings at different points of the copy, which is exactly what we were after.

I personally love how the whole website has a tone of inviting the reader to learn more about what we do."



- Andrew Gross, Lead Life Balance Strategist




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Get your website speaking your new language

before you unveil your new look



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